
Aus Kingdom

Aus Kingdom

"All hail Samboza"

Report Page

Aus Kingdom is a well established Aussie Clan. Full of motivation, striving to achieve our goals and to gaining each other's trust.  We have been around since 2006

 ¥•†•¥ How to join the Clan ¥•†•¥ ~¤• Simply join the Clan Chat as a guest and request to be invited into the Clan, no application required!  ~¤•

Majority of Auskingdom members play osrs.
If you play Old School we also have a Clan chat, join Auskingdom.
We use Discord

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Top Clanmates

Purplegem28 Purplegem28 Owner
Max Botter Max Botter Deputy Owner
Samboza Samboza Deputy Owner
azngal azngal Deputy Owner
AusKingdom AusKingdom Overseer
Purplegem69 Purplegem69 Overseer
Evil Doc Evil Doc Overseer
Sambo Sambo Overseer
Mumma Gem Mumma Gem Overseer
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